High energy suet

Bird Songs
A #1 seller! This is a true masterpiece work that allows you to see and read about a bird while hearing its calls is one of the best resources available. This book/CD is highly reccomended for birders everywhere, but covers a limited amount of common species.

Price: $ 21.75

sunflower suet

Birding by Ear
A valuable collection of birds from the Eastern/Central regions of North America. While it does not contain pictures as Bird Songs does go a bit easier on your wallet.

Price: $ 10.99

peanut treat

More Birding by Ear
This is the encore presentation of Birding by the ear that provides you with more birds to learn from the Easter/Central Region of North America.

Price: $ 10.99


harvest pumpkin

Bird Songs
This is a collection of bird melodies taken captured in Eastern/Central North America Birding regions and is well worth the money

Price: $ 10.99

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Home>Multimedia> CDs:
WIth the advance in technology we have been able to record the sounds of birds and then make copies of those sounds for the general public in the form of CDs or Compact Discs. Here you can find some CDs that will teach you the art of identifying a bird even when it is not in sight.

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